A Spectrum of Opportunities

Welcome to EMA’s Member Minute where I’ll be teaching you an actionable strategy, tip, trick, or hack to help you meet your enrollment goals and all that in about a minute. Enrollment leaders understand that enrollment management involves the whole school. When brand, price, programs, culture, and outcomes are all in alignment with mission and values families will not only enroll at the school, but they’ll also stay until graduation.
But the enrollment leader doesn’t control many of those factors and that’s why we’re continuing to develop and refine the Strategic Enrollment Management Spectrum which is our way of articulating the levers school leaders have to impact enrollment success. We believe enrollment is a whole-school activity so much we’re making this theme of our Annual Conference!
We hope you’ll join us in Orlando in September or online to make the professional connections you need to advance your career, develop the toolkit you need to help you hit your goals, and take away a framework you can use to help other school leaders understand their critical importance in enrollment management. We’ve got some crazy good keynotes, concurrent sessions, and networking opportunities planned. Registration is open right now at ac.enrollment.org!
That’s been your Member Minute, if you have questions for me I look forward to connecting with you in EMA’s Member Community!