Where are the product logos or badges for the SSAT, SAO, and The Snapshot?

July 24, 2024
January 25, 2022

EMA's official product badges are image graphics that schools and organizations can place on their websites to link families to the SSAT, SSAT test centers, Character Skills Snapshot, and Standard Application Online (SAO). Click on the images below to download a .zip file containing a collection of badge options for each service. Recommended links are also included.

Character Skills Snapshot

A graphic for the Character Skills Snapshot.

Link to learn more: https://www.admission.org/snapshot.

Link to register: https://portal.ssat.org/SAP/MyCSA/#/dashboard.

Standard Application Online

A graphic for the Standard Application Online.

Link to learn more: https://www.admission.org/sao.

Link to register: https://portal.ssat.org/SAP/Applications/Home#/dashboard/.


A graphic for the SSAT.

Link to learn more: https://www.ssat.org/.

Link to register: https://portal.ssat.org/.

SSAT Test Centers

Link to find a test center: https://search.ssat.org/test-center-search.

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