A Boston native and graduate of The Roxbury Latin School, Jim credits his independent school experience with transforming his life. He has dedicated his professional career to creating opportunities for students and the advancement of independent schools. After graduating from Amherst College, Jim began his career at Brooks School as an admissions officer, dorm parent, and coach. He then served as the Director of Admission and Financial Aid at St. George’s School in Newport, RI for nine years before returning to Brooks as the Associate Head for External Affairs, a position he held for six years before being named Head of School at Berwick Academy. In July, Jim will transition to The Peddie School in Hightstown, NJ, as the 17th Head of School. Jim served as a faculty member of The Enrollment Management Association Admission Training Institute (ATI) for many years. Jim received a MALS degree from Wesleyan University. He currently serves on the board of trustees at Roxbury Latin and The Music Hall in Portstmouth, NH. Jim and his wife, Lucy, have three children.

Jim Hamilton
Board Chair
Head of School