EMA Service and Policy Updates for the 2024–25 Admissions Year

Another admissions year is upon us, bringing exciting new updates to EMA's enrollment tools and revised testing policies. Please review what's new for the 2024–25 admissions year to maximize these new features and better assist families throughout the application process.
Enhanced SSAT Score Report Increases Insight
We have enriched the SSAT score report to provide schools and families with a clearer picture of each student's strengths and areas for improvement. The new report provides diagnostic information describing the abilities students have likely achieved and suggestions for improvement (if applicable) aligned to key skill areas assessed by the SSAT.
The key skill areas are as follows.

- Synonym
- Analogy
- Numbers and Operations
- Algebra
- Geometry and Measurement
- Data Analysis
- Reasoning
- Determining Main Idea
- Identifying Text Details and Structure
- Comprehending Language Use
- Interpreting and Inferring Meaning
- Understanding Authorial Intent
Comparing Applicants
One critical aspect of the score report that hasn't changed is the ability for schools to see comparisons between current applicants and students enrolled in the previous year. This data helps contextualize where a student may be poised for success or require additional support. If you have yet to receive the comparison insight on SSAT score reports, your school likely still needs to provide EMA with accepted and enrolled data. That's an easy fix!
Current EMA member schools can contact your account representative to learn how to use the new score report and submit applicant comparison data. Nonmember schools are invited to complete our inquiry form to reach a representative who can answer your questions.
SSAT Testing Modes Availability
Most Middle and Upper Level students can take a maximum of 5–6 paper tests and 3 computer tests, including up to 2 Prometric tests and 1 SSAT at Home. Options and availability vary by testing Level and location. It's also worth noting that students who encounter connectivity issues while taking the SSAT at Home can only retake the at-home assessment if they didn't reach the multiple-choice sections.
Paper SSAT
- Standard test dates are available from October–March
- Flex test dates are available from August–July
Prometric Test Centers
- Available daily from August–July
- May be taken a total of 2 times per year
SSAT at Home
- Available on select dates from October–June
- May only be taken once this year
SSAT Test Dates
Each year, EMA takes great care to select testing dates that are fair and available to as many students as possible. We aim to avoid major holidays and religious observances; however, other critical criteria sometimes make avoiding conflicts impossible. The 2024–25 admissions season is one of those years where scheduling conflict was unavoidable. Fortunately, the breadth of EMA’s testing options should afford most students ample assessment opportunities.
Our first Standard paper date on October 12 occurs on Yom Kippur. With that in mind, we scheduled the February 1 Standard to provide an additional opportunity for schools to receive scores early in the candidate review process. If your school has the flexibility to accept February SSAT scores after its application deadline, please allow these submissions to better accommodate students unable to test on October 12.
The February 1 Standard occurs on Lunar New Year, so schools will want to encourage families in Asia and those who observe the holiday worldwide to complete paper testing by the January 4 Standard.
Lastly, we moved the spring Standard—typically in mid-April—to March 1 to better support the rolling admissions cycle. Please refer families to the Test Options & Pricing page on SSAT.org for more details.
Ending SSAT Sections Early
SSAT at Home testers have always been permitted to end a section before its time expires and move on to the next; however, Prometric and paper testers were required to wait until the end of each section's allotted time before they could progress. Beginning August 1, Prometric testers and those taking a paper assessment without other testers in the same room can end a section early to reduce overall testing time.
Please note that paper testers with other testing students in the same room cannot complete a section early and proceed, and students aren’t permitted to return to completed sections.
Hide Race, Ethnicity, and Financial Aid Information from SAO Application Review
To support unbiased decision-making in admissions, schools now have the ability to hide race, ethnicity, and financial aid information from Standard Application Online submissions. Schools can also reveal, when needed, any data they initially chose to conceal. This will aid in overall process evaluation after completing admissions decisions. Learn more about this enhancement and watch a quick video showing how to hide and reactivate the fields.
SAO Biographic Profile Update
We heard you! As a direct result of member feedback, the SAO now restricts Interests, Achievements, and Multimedia Creations to a maximum of four submissions. This enhancement will help students consolidate submissions to their most impactful work and will streamline the review process for admissions teams.
Snapshot Release Updates
Students taking the Character Skills Snapshot in the beginning of August no longer have to wait until the end of the month to get their results. Those who complete the Snapshot by August 14 will now receive their results on August 16. See the full Snapshot release schedule.
Even better, families can now designate Snapshot recipients as soon as they register instead of waiting until the results are ready. Encourage families to designate your school as a recipient at this juncture to help expedite application completion. It’s worth noting that they can still wait to designate recipients until after results are released if they prefer.

Important Registration Updates for Families in China
To align with data protection regulations in China, EMA requires all families in mainland China to create their account at our SSAT China site and start their purchases there. Once they have done so, they may log into SSAT.org to access their test registrations, use SSAT Practice Online, and work on their SAO application.
New EMA Member Benefits
EMA Membership includes two new benefits:
- Learning Pass — Access over 30 expert-led online courses to grow your skills and achieve professional and enrollment success.
- EMA Symposia Passes — Connect with a community of your peers, gain insights from others in your network, and access specialized thought-leader resources on curated topics relevant to your work. We will announce 2024-25 Symposia dates later this year, but previous topics have included anti-bias training, marketing, neurodiversity, and much more. Once your school or organization completes renewal, you can access codes for two all-access passes for you and your colleagues to join these insightful programs.
For any questions about the 2024–25 service and policy updates, existing members can contact your EMA account representative and new schools to EMA are encouraged to complete our inquiry form.